Cardinals CLOSE ranks to prevent conclave leaks | Vatican Papal conclave

2015-09-20 2

Cardinals CLOSE ranks to prevent conclave leaks | Vatican Papal conclave Cardinals CLOSE ranks to prevent conclave leaks | Vatican Papal conclave Cardinals CLOSE ranks to prevent conclave leaks | Vatican Papal conclave

The Vatican is clamping down on social media and cardinals are ceasing to hold press conferences in an effort to make sure that none of what will be discussed in the secret conclave is leaked to the public./ Cardinals gathered in Rome waiting to begin the election process for a new pope have been briefed on the state of the Vatican's ...

While the College of Cardinals gathers in the Vatican's Synod Hall for daily consultations in the General Congregations, a short distance away, work is ...

/ After days of meetings in semi-secrecy, the Vatican says it will announce later on Friday the start date of the conclave to elect a new ...

Cardinals began arriving for the fourth day of pre-conclave meetings at the Vatican on Thursday March 7 as they deliberate over who amongst them will become ...

SOURCE: News Articles: No date set for conclave as last cardinal arrives in Rome ...

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